Setting Intentions for the New Year

New year, new theme. 

Happy New Year all! New year, new me...right? We know there are many resolutions that have been set coming into this new year. However, the word resolution is defined as "the action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter."

Maybe, what you want to achieve isn't a problem in your life. Maybe, it's something you are already doing wonderful at, but you want to create more focus around something and step it up a bit. By setting an intention for the year, you are able to have a loose structured guide to stay focused, yet remain flexible no matter what twist or turn occurs all year long. 

Planning a better self for the new year is more about sitting yourself down to reflect. Think about where you're currently at in your life, and where you want to be one year from now. Then it's about naming the habits that will help you get there.

For example, my 2016 was a year of growth and learning, and now it's about putting that new knowledge into action. I've chosen to focus on "TRANSFORMATION" for 2017!

Grab a cup of coffee, your favorite mug and planner and plan out your year!

1. Select one word or phrase that you will use as an anchor throughout the year.

This could be a mantra, phrase or word. With your intention always in mind, it will help guide you when faced with decisions throughout the year.

Example: my intention for 2017 is about transformation. For me, this means creating habits that will help me blossom and transform my life into who I want to become. This includes transforming my body, transforming my home, transforming our brand, even transforming my mind to learn to relax.

2. Create actionable steps to bring your intention to life.

Now that you have a goal, it's about creating habit goals that will help you achieve this intention all year long. To be well rounded, I like to select a habit for each of the following categories: mind, body, spirit, heart, work, and home. Here are mine to kickstart ideas for your own!

2017:  The year of transformation

  • Mind | Take classes, watch videos or read books once a month to learn more about growing social media platforms, creative communication and visual marketing.

  • Body | track my macronutrients daily, and exercise 3-5 times a week

  • Spirit | spend 10 minutes everyday to meditate to relax and ground myself

  • Heart | fill out my daily gratitude log in my bullet journal

  • Work | continue to build the brand and post daily for Victoria and Marie

  • Home | complete the konmari method for tidying up my belongings before the end of the year

It's important to create habits that lead to the goal, but are also realistic! 

3. Last but most importantly, take action.

Now, keep that phrase somewhere with you where you'll always be reminded. In your phone's notes, or even write it in your planner. Better yet, make it your phone's wallpaper. Wherever it is, make sure it's somewhere that will keep you aware of it. As the year progresses, take time to check in with yourself and ask "have I been living intentionally?

Happy New Year!
Wish you all the best in an intentional 2017 life!