Get it from my momma.
/"Every child needs one person in their life that is crazy about them."
...Well, that was her. My mother, mentor, and best friend. A single mother that did everything in her power to give me the world.
Thank you to her for supporting the little girl with wild dreams, even if my dreams are crazy sometimes. She has given me the gift to follow my heart, and the confidence to trust in my passions, and for that I can't thank her enough for allowing me to be free.
This photo diary is dedicated to her, and all the passions and milestones we've shared together over the years.
Every summer, my mom would take me the Presidio for the Aloha Festival. She enrolled me in my first hula class when I was 5-6 years old, and I danced for several years. We have been to Hawaii several times, and she still goes just about every year.
In 2013, my mom came to SFSU, and invited me to attend a documentary showing about the International Hotel demolition in San Francisco. It is a historic story about a building that housed many filipino immigrants, and the fight to prevent it's demolition. It hit close to home for us, because my grandfather called that place home for some time. She is holding a letter he received at that address, and I'm holding a photo of him.
Coincidently, I chose to attend San Francisco State University, the same college she had graduated from in 1990. I am a second generation Gator Alumnae, class of 2014!
Fun fact: my college ring is actually her college ring passed down to me.
I've had Sanrio a part of my life since I practically came out of the womb. To this day, kawaii finds and anything Hello Kitty still bonds us! Not only did we attend the Hello Kitty Con in LA, but also went to the Hello Kitty Supercute Friendship Festival when it toured to the Bay Area.
My mom and I both love stationary, markers and crafty activities of any variety! Most recently, we attended the release of the Laurel Burch coloring book, at FLAX Art and Design. While there, we ate Jelly Beans and colored. She even won a raffle, and came home with a huge tote bag stuffed with Laurel Burch goods. Here we are pictured with Laurel Burch's daughter.